Sunday, March 23, 2014

Living Room Dirt

The living room is coming along.  I now have all of the sheetrock down on the walls and ceiling.  I knew it would be messy but I just didn't know how messy.  

In my first post I explained that normally when a house had shiplap boards they were not really made to be seen.  A muslin/cheesecloth type material was nailed with little tacks onto the wall then wallpapered over.  This wallpaper looks like actually someone painted over it.  I'm just going to guess in the 50's or 60's.

Whomp whomp...I found past electrical outlets that left big holes.  

The trash cans were filled many many times.  I'm sure the trash men are cursing my name.

Where there use to be a window

How the wallpaper looked after the sheetrock was down.  In a few places it looked like someone had applied tape over it.

This is what the back looks like

It looks like some type of water damage maybe?

I knew taking down the sheetrock and wallpaper would be the worst on the ceiling but it's one of those things that you know is going to be bad but you're praying it won't be.

So you make your teenage son go first:

The sheetrock itself wasn't as bad. But when the wallpaper was pulled down about 50 years worth of dirt came down too.

It was this really fine black dirt.  The kind that you sweep and sweep and it's still there.  I had to get out the shop vac and do it that way.

The ceiling is in very good condition.  There are spots that have some gaps so I applied Great Stuff to those. 

Primer!  I'm painting the walls white and I'm going to just polyurethane the ceiling.

To fill in the holes I sprayed Great Stuff again and then used wood filler.

I'm almost done painting now!  I can't wait to get my furniture back where it goes. Another project that I can't believe I actually did.  Words cannot describe how disgusting the dirt was.  My daughter wouldn't even go in the living room.  Ha   Final painting pictures coming soon!


  1. Ahh this looks so familiar to me, I knew you could do it but what I can't believe is that you did this working around your furniture, ceiling fan and those curtains hanging! Wow, you are so abitious! Me? I always clear out the room as best I can, makes for a lot of heavy lifting and sore backs and then theres the decision of where in the heck am I gonna put this stuff? You go girl, Love it! I know it will be beautiful, can't wait to see!

  2. Thanks, Cindy! I would've taken all the furniture out but I'm going to have to do that when I paint the floor and didn't want to be without a functional living room that long. The curtains were a mess! Good thing they're washable!

  3. You are insanely brave!! I need a shower just looking at the pictures! Look'n good though and what a fun adventure!!

  4. Great pictures. You should see what our 1890 house looks like after pulling paneling off, then plaster, then lathe, and then to the shiplap. We are not allowed to put construction debris in our general trash. We have to bring in dumpsters or haul it. So are we have filled two 12-yard dumpsters and one 15-yard dumpster. And, were are not even half way completed. Good luck
